I would love to say thank you so much to everyone that came to my BBQ because it means alot to me and I appreciate it so much! I hope you all enjoyed the day and the yummy food there! Basically it was just a nice relaxing day and catching up with friends! I must say big thank you to my Mum and Dad because they made it happen and it was successful! I love you so much Mum and Dad, thank you! Alhamdulillah it was a great weather!
At the start I was quite disappointed though because many of my good friends told me in the last minute that they couldn't make it to my party and it made me upset because I expected them to be there. Especially for the ones who dogged it honestly, for a stupid unreasonable excuse and that just completely turned me down. But I guess I still learnt something from lesson number one that you realize who actually cares for you and who doesn't. But another positive lesson I learnt today is that I realize who I would hold on to my journey as a life time. Those friends that came today was enough for me as a birthday present, which defines the true term of carring. That's why I truly love you all!
Mum, Dad and Peggy (who always think I leave you out LOL!) It was just so nice and carring to have you's around especially and I wouldn't even ask for more! That's why I thank you's for making this happen successfully Alhamdulillah! I'm so proud and lucky to have you all, I truly do adore you oh so much!
And to my other family members, thank you so much for coming and helpinh importantly! Once again without the big help, it wouldn't be as productive haha! But truly thank you so much!
But Alhamdulillah thank you Allah I had a wonderful day spent with my loved ones! Best 17th birthday ever!! <3