Friday, February 05, 2010


So I guess I've been pretty much busy with school which is alright so it keeps me motivated. The subjects I do at school can keep me thinking about our lives today and for example today at Society & Culture class we had this class discussion about Kasey Chamber's song called "Ignorance". Read the lyrics carefully.

Don't wanna read the paper
I don't like bad news
Last night a man got shot
Outside the house of blues
I'd like to ignore it
I'd like to just pretend
That the reason for it
Is something I can comprehend

I don't listen to the radio
Last time it made me cry
Two boys went crazy
Fifteen kids died
And I don't know their families
I don't ask 'em how they're going
They're on the other side of the world
But it's way too close to home

I've got something to say
And I thought it might be worth a
If you're not pissed off at the world
Then you're just not paying attention
And you can turn off the TV
And go about your day
But just 'cos you don't see it
It don't mean its gone away hey

We don't talk to our neighbours
They've got funny coloured skin
We see 'em out on the sidewalk
But we don't invite 'em in
We only eat when we're hungry
And we throw the rest away
While babies in Cambodia
Are starving everyday

We risk our lives
We hit our wives
We act like everything is funny
We hide our pain
While we go insane
We sell our souls for money
We curse our mums
We build our bombs
We make our children cry
We watch the band
While Vietnam
Just watch their children die

I totally agree with Kasey Chamber's lyrics about our society today and it really did got me thinking about it. Let's take it this way, all kids like us these days go to school 5 days a week right? In my opinion I believe we are very lucky to have the opportunity to go to school to get educated and we're much more intelligent than the people back in the old days. I think this opportunity we have is pretty amazing and you may not realize but maybe while we're in class learning, there a kids in the unprivileged countries that are starving to death and this makes me think back from last year while attending the World Vision Conference based on about the 40 hour famine. That experience was an emotional day for me but amazing at the same time how we can help so much and what we have to offer. It makes me realize that by being at school I try to use it wisely because it is definately an amazing opportunity to be in school and getting educated for a good cause even though it can be stressing at times. But think about it, we go to school and do our best, aim high marks and so on. Graduate high school and most of us goes to uni to complete a course and from there on we have our career jobs that equals to sucesss and we can all help out for those unprivileged kids.

As you see I'm typing this and anything can happen in the other side of the world right now and for those who don't have these useful technologies like us, we are indeed very fortunate.

I think it's time for the world to have their acts together and stop all these controvesies and help each other no matter where we come from. We're all just human beings yet with different skin tone, morals and etc. As a world, one planet we're just like a community we are one.

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